The Ultimate Abuse

By Rev. Irene Webster

Years ago, when I was a new mother of a beautiful baby girl, I received a disturbing phone call from a church acquaintance.

Although I barely knew her, she sought me out for help not knowing what to do except she knew I could pray.

This precious woman, we’ll call Linda, had recently been born again and was set free from a life of sorrow due to the death of her baby because of domestic violence.

During an all-out assault her husband had kicked her in her stomach causing her to lose her child, as well as her uterus. But her angry husband could not destroy her mother’s heart and the day she called me God was using this heart to do His work. 

You see, Linda had remarried and suddenly had inherited a 15-year-old daughter who that very day came to Linda asking her to take her to an abortion clinic. Needless to say, Linda was determined to stop the girl from aborting her child but no matter what she said to the girl she could not break through her will to end this baby’s life. 

Now, Linda was begging me to come and intercede in prayer in the clinic not knowing the law prohibited me from coming into the building.

After arriving I began to march back and forth across the street from the clinic praying intensely and even shouting. Suddenly, I felt impressed to go in to the building knowing full well I could be arrested at any moment.

Within seconds, I found Linda and her step daughter and dropped to my knees in front of this young mother begging her, in heaving sobs, not to abort her child. My heart was breaking and all I could do was plead with her over and over not to do it.  

As I looked into her cold, stony face I could hear God say to me, “Ask her what would you do if someone tore the head off one of your new born puppies?”

Within seconds she cried out, “How did you know my dog just had puppies?!” With that she broke down in great sobs crying, ” I won’t do it, I won’t!!” 

But it wasn’t over. A nurse suddenly arrived and escorted this precious 15-year-old child into her office only to tell her the baby growing in her belly was nothing more than a ‘clump of tissues’.

The enemy had won. She believed the lies. I heard later she seemed alright and was back to being a regular teenager. Or that’s what they thought…

To be continued…