
What is revival? We hear about revival so often lately because of the rampant sin across the world and the recent COVID plague causing us to wonder, is this time God will bring revival, but really, do we even know what Revival is?

First, I believe Revival occurs when we repent for our sins and turn to God with our whole heart. I personally know because this is what Revival did for me. I was lost in sin, living with my fiancé, never caring what anyone thought about my lifestyle or how my lifestyle might affect me.

C. J. Webster and City Of Addison Mayor

One day two young men united in their faith decided they would pray for their bosses at lunch every day until Revival happened. This happened in the city of Addison, Texas in 1982.

My then fiancé, the Addison City Manager, and his friend, another businessman, were radically sold-out Christians who attended Word of Faith, Pastor Robert Tilton’s church.

They were public works employees sacrificially taking their lunch break to pray and intercede for mercy and salvation for the mayor and his wife, the city manager, and me, every council member and their spouses, girlfriends, and every city employee. Their sacrifice of prayer was effective!

Suddenly, the Fire of God came one day in the middle of the day at city hall touching one of the city secretaries in such a powerful way she started running up and down the halls, screaming. She had been affected by the fire of the Holy Spirit in true power!

Next, I began reading the Word of God, was convicted of my sins, repented, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Within two weeks my fiancé the City Manager, his city assistant, his wife, and numerous people in the city began to give their lives to Jesus!

C. J. and Irene Webster with their children.

Within the year, God blessed me and my fiancé, as we obeyed him by separating and were soon married. We had two wonderful children and shared a beautiful Christian life together.

So, I have seen Revival in my own life, and I know it is possible. This is why every year when Halloween rolls around, I hand out Gospel tracks and share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with all the kids and their families.

This is also why every Christmas, I put a spotlight on a banner in the yard which says: Jesus is the way the truth in the life and no man comes home to the father except by Him. John 3:16. What better time is there to share the love of God to a lost and dying world?!

But let’s get real.  This is not all that Revival is about. Revival is what the prophet spoke of in Joel 2:28: “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."

So, I ask you, is this what you see happening? A true manifestation of God’s Holy Spirit and FIRE is rare, and you don’t see this happening in churches, but it is possible if we were to unite ourselves, fast and pray and seek his face, crying out to him, as we repent for this nation, and for our own sins, and GOD will pour out his Spirit on all flesh!

Before you know it, many will be prophesying and signs and wonders will follow with healing, miracles, even the raising of the dead manifesting! We need this! We need God’s touch; we need God’s healing power to be poured out on us just as it was in the New Testament people when multitudes were saved because of the mercies of God being poured out through His Holy Spirit. These things must occur, and many shall be saved.

I want to take this opportunity to encourage each and every Christian out there reading this to step out in faith and share with others what God has done for them. Be strong and courageous for He is with you.

Just think, someday, you may meet those people in Glory because you had the courage to step out and tell them there is a better way to live and how much God loves them!

You can do this!!! People need the best gift of all, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world and God needs you to give it!!! Go tell it on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere! Go tell it on the mountain, that Jesus Christ is born!

In His great unending love, Rev. Irene

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