You are Forgiven and Blessed

Wow! Some of you might be saying I don’t feel blessed because of what I have been through. But I’m…

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Hey Sexy!

By Irene Webster Every woman or girl in their lifetime may experience hearing wolf whistles and/or voices calling out, “hey,…

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Unconditional Love and Submission

by Irene Webster In recent days, the Lord had me reflect again on what submission to a husband means. Prior…

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The Father’s Heart

by Irene Webster Irene Webster ministered on The Father’s Heart on June 16, 2024. Discover the Unconditional Love and dive…

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The Importance of Forgiveness for the Abused and Divorced

by Irene Webster Today, let’s talk about the importance of forgiveness. Over and over Israel and Judah worshiped false Gods…

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A New Year’s Eve Wedding

By P. J. Stratton Happy New Year, 2024! Ephesians 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. What a fast year 2023 has…

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Adam and Eve

Courtesy of Patrick Weaver Ministries Let’s help somebody today…God did not create Eve from Adam’s rib for Adam’s ownership, worship…

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Get Right or Get Left!

We are sharing content courtesy of Patrick Weaver Ministries. (Artwork provided by UFM) You cannot make them act right. You…

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