God wants to use YOU!

By, Irene Webster

January 22, 2022

How do I know? God has used me mightily numerous times and if He’ll use me, a simple woman who loves God with all her heart, he will use you too! Scripture says it is the word of our testimony and not loving our life so much in order to overcome the darkness and in so doing advance the kingdom of God. I love this!

Let me encourage you by sharing part of my testimony and giving you two examples of how God used me in my life:

As a young, married woman and mother of a new baby, God told me through a prophetess I would start a jail ministry to men someday. My response naturally was, hah, you’re crazy! But within just a few years while in prayer and meditation one morning I heard God whisper to go talk to the head jailer to open a jail ministry.

Without any hesitation I obeyed. Two times I contacted him but each time I was kindly turned away, yet, without hesitation or discouragement as I left each time, I would tell the jailer I knew God told me to do this and I asked him to continue praying for direction. Meanwhile, over the course of a year I continued to pray and seek God to open the door to minister.

Then, one night while at a political function with my City Manager husband, the head jailer, not recognizing me sat across from me at my table.

As soon as my eyes saw him, I could hear God say, “be quiet and watch me!” Sure, enough as the head jailer lifted his head, he recognized me and said, “Mrs. Webster, I’ve been meaning to call you. I want you to know you are welcome to minister in my jail anytime you want. You have the freedom to do whatever you like.”

This was a glorious beginning of a three-year ministry with me preaching in the drunk tank on Saturday mornings, coordinating other ministers to preach also from time to time, bringing in praise teams, starting a Christian library for the inmates, a Bible giveaway, and counseling on Monday nights. What an amazing God we serve!! It was during those days of sacrifice and simple obedience God blessed me richly as He allowed me to bring the truth to the hopeless!

Irene Ministering

Another time which stands out in my memory as amazing was when I went to buy a rug at a local retail store where indoor-outdoor furniture was sold. As I walked into the store, I saw an older man sitting on a bench who seemed down cast. But as I walked by him, I clearly heard God say go back and pray for him.

Without pause I turned around and asked the man if I could pray for him and he said yes. Then without hesitation I simply prayed a quick little prayer for healing and walked away. Within minutes a woman walked up to me and asked me if I had just prayed for her father. I said yes, and then she quickly asked me to please pray for her too!

Then, without pause I prayed and as I lifted my head, I was shocked to see a long line of people waiting for prayer. God moved this very day in such a miraculous way and all because I listened to His still small voice and obeyed!

If you think you can’t do this, you are wrong! God is looking for the available, the obedient, the sensitive, those listening for his voice and filtering out the world’s voice and their flesh! Yes, this qualifies you to be a minister of the gospel, a healer of those who are sick, mentally ill, and tormented!

Yes, we are Jesus hands and feet. Do not let the enemy lie to you and say, “You cannot do it, you are not qualified, you are only a woman, just a kid, a nobody, or a sinner!” No! You are the redeemed of the Lord! Step out and let God use you! JUST DO IT AND WATCH GOD MOVE!

Matthew 10:7-8 Amplified 7 And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Luke 6:38 give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give into your bosom. For with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again.

Rev.12:11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

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