Easter: Changed by the Blood

By Irene Webster

The Blood! As I laid there waking and light began to pierce the bedroom window my mind heard, “The BLOOD.” Suddenly, I was reminded of where Jesus lost blood: His head, His back, His two hands, His two feet, and finally His side…seven times, seven times he was pierced for our iniquities and sin.

The perfect Lamb of God, given as the final sacrifice, for the sins of the world! Seven piercings, seven, meaning eternity! Eternally forgiven for our wicked thoughts, forgiven for the bitterness we carry on our backs, forgiven for the things our hands have committed, forgiven for where we have walked when we shouldn’t have, and finally forgiven for who we were side by side with when it should have been God we were closest to…

It’s the blood of Jesus which brings healing, cleansing from sin, and life, just like human blood carries away impurities, bringing life giving oxygen, water, and food so we may live. But only Christ’s blood can purify us, making us holy, giving us the right to eternal life!!!

Nothing else cleanses like the precious blood of Jesus! So, let’s once again celebrate God precious sacrifice for men and women this Easter season. Because of God’s great love for us all, He made a way for humanity to live eternally with Him, through Jesus Christ’s amazing sacrifice.

Jesus, although sinless, took our punishment upon himself. What great love God has for us to give His very best gift to us!

But now, it’s up to you. Not to to choose to believe is to reject this amazing gift of eternal life and open yourself to eternal damnation! Doesn’t it make sense? Is it worth taking a chance? No. It’s not.

So, I encourage every person reading this today to choose, choose now and choose life. Ask God to forgive your for your sins, wash you in Christ’s blood, and ask Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord. You will be glad you did. It’s as if you have never sinned…amazing.

In His Love, Irene