The Blood

By Irene Webster

Today I wish to talk about the blood, but not just any blood. I’m talking about THE shed blood of Jesus, but why? Because Easter is the time, we set aside to celebrate the tremendous sacrifice God made through Jesus Christ by allowing His precious and sinless Son to die for us.

Easter was the fateful day when God through Jesus Christ took the punishment for OUR SINS so we could be saved eternally from hell and have eternal life in Heaven!

I’m thankful for His matchless sacrifice because it was Christ’s life-giving blood that washed me clean and washes all true believers clean from their evil ways; leaving them holy in God’s eyes, clean, just as if they had never sinned.

Oh, what a gift to be washed in the blood of the Lamb! The blood says so much, so much more than just sacrifice. It declares we are in the bloodline, Kings and Priests, adopted, accepted, without disease, without imperfection! Jesus’ blood just like regular blood which carries life giving properties such as oxygen and antibodies, cleansing the impurities from the flesh.

Only Jesus Christ’s blood cleanses away our fleshly sins, freeing us from all sickness, and brings God’s own restorative breath!! But so much more than just human blood! No, this blood brings freedom from death and gives the believer life eternal!

When we accept His perfect sacrifice and precious blood God now only sees His perfect, sinless Son, not a wretched sinner. God sees us as He sees His Son, pure and holy! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Father!

I thank God for His tender mercies, for the great sacrifices Christ made for us all when He allowed himself to be whipped, spit on, mocked, lied about, beard pulled out, striped, beaten, crowned with a crown of thorns, nailed to a cross, and pierced in his side. Blood flowing from every part of His innocent body! Just for us! This was LOVE! Love we didn’t earn or deserve, but nevertheless is available to all who believe Jesus, is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and died in our place as He was crucified, buried, and rose again on the third day!

Beloved, hear God’s cry to you today! Take His gift, the blood of Jesus, the gift of eternal life, believe in Jesus Christ and say this prayer with me:

Dear Father in Heaven,

I know I’m a sinner and I need a savior. Lord, I believe you sent your Son to die in my place for my sins. Lord, forgive me for all my sins, I accept the gift of salvation through your Son, now wash me in the blood of Jesus, and make me clean! Jesus, be my Lord and Savior and I will serve you all the days of my life!

Now, if you said this prayer, you have been washed in the blood of the Lamb of God and have been set free from sin and the penalty of eternal damnation!

Now, go find yourself a good church where you sense the Lord’s presence and feel loved.

Read your Bible daily and pray. Welcome to God’s family!!! Praise the Lord!!


Reverend Irene