A Woman’s Work

by PJ Stratton

“God, Let the morning bring me Word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life” Psalm 143:8, New International Version 

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…in my prayers and with my chores. But first, let’s begin our day with prayer and thanksgiving for our blessings.

A Woman’s Work?

For some reason since the beginning of creation, the roles between men and women have become blurred beyond the point of recognition or agreement. Today if women were paid for their work in the home their salary would be more than $175,000 annually. Yet, no matter how far advanced civilization becomes over the eons of ages, women continue to be viewed as less than the men.

What defines a ‘woman’s work’? In our Heavenly Father’s eyes men and women are equal in Heaven. In the eyes of a narcissistic and/or misogynist person, women are regarded as less than dogs and cats. Our creator sees everything that everyone has said, done, and endured. The lesson we must learn is to give our cares to our Heavenly Father and let Him carry us through our battles.

Some people might believe all the chores required to maintain a home and raise family are a woman’s duty. What might women say who are mandated as head of their household to work outside the home full-time due to an injured spouse, or a spouse who went AWOL and left them with children to support? Let us not forget the disparity of wages between the male and female genders for centuries who struggle to make ends meet to feed their precious children.

Here are some ideas for hard-working Proverbs 31 women to keep them flying as a Superwoman and Supermom! Just remember, you are a role model for your sons and daughters who are always following your lead by example for future generations. May you be blessed always!

The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
He will perfect those things which concern me. Psalm 57:2 
And we know that in all things God works for good to those who love him, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 

If you are weary in well-doing, then call our 24/7/365 Prayer Line for prayer of agreement.

In His Service, PJ Stratton