The Ultimate Abuse Part 2

by Irene Webster

Continued from Part 1

I never heard from Linda again. Perhaps because she lost faith in God or perhaps, she simply chose to try to forget her disappointment. Who really knows why she never called me again, but this I do know…we did try! Sadly, not everyone submits to God’s messengers. Yet I could rest knowing I did what the Lord wanted me to do. 

However, through that experience I did learn, without God in a person’s life they can be easily swayed, believing the wicked ones lies and schemes, resulting in thinking what is right must be wrong or what is wrong is right.

Yes, the great deceiver has come to steal, kill and destroy. That’s his job, yet we carry God’s Spirit and are messengers of God’s life-giving truth.

Yes, the Word of God is clear: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved! Saved from a life of sorrow, saved from a life of guilt and condemnation, saved from loneliness and despair. It’s our job to bring this truth to the world!

That sad day a precious, teenage girl had a life changing choice but because of her lack of faith in God she chose to believe a convenient lie and allowed the enemy to destroy her baby’s soul, steal a life and bring guilt and shame on herself for the rest of her life.

Satan, the ultimate abuser had won. So, in closing, my heart’s cry today is for us to come out of the shadows, step up and be bold to share the truth with all those whom think evil is good. How else will they ever know? 

So be strong and courageous, for God is with you! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!!!

In His Love, Irene

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